Highly educated and accomplished lecturer, programme coordinator, coach and psychotherapist with extensive experience in third level education, specializing in the promotion of health and wellbeing, mental health promotion and psychological wellbeing. Accredited by leading professional bodies across nursing, coaching, and psychotherapy, Patsy is passionate about fostering psychological well-being in individuals and groups through innovative evidenced based programme design in Mental health and wellbeing, and through Coaching and Psychotherapy.
BA (Hons) Nurse Education, Institute of Advanced Nurse Education at the Royal College of Nursing via University of Manchester, 09/94, MSc in Nursing, University College Dublin, 09/97, PhD in Health Promotion, National University of Ireland, Galway, 09/13, Certificate in Health and Wellness Coaching, WellCoaches International, 09/16, Graduate Diploma in Mental Health and Well-Being Coaching, Kingstown College Dublin, 09/20, Graduate Diploma Integrative Psychotherapy, Dublin City University, 09/22, BA in Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy, Irish College of Personal and Professional Development (ICPPD), 09/23, Registered General Nurse, Royal Masonic and Roehampton School of Nursing, London, 09/88, Registered Mental Health Nurse, Maudsley and Bethlem School of Nursing, London, 09/91, Registered Nurse Tutor, NMBI, 09/94, Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Well Coaches International, 09/16, Coaching Practitioner, European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), 09/19, Accredited Certified Coach (ACC), International Coaching Federation (ICF), 09/20, National Board Certification-Health and Wellness Coaching, National Board for Certified Health and Wellness (NBC-HWC), 09/21, Counsellor and Integrative Psychotherapist, Irish Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapists (IACP), 09/24
Course Coordinator from September 2022 of the Mental Health programmes offered by ATU, St Angelas. This includes Masters/Postgraduate Diploma of Health Science in Community Mental Health Nursing from 2022. From January 2025, this also includes Co Ordinator for the Masters/Postgraduate Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy., Recovery Orientated Mental Health Care, Primary and Community Mental Health Care, Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Early Interventions for People who experience First Episode Psychosis, Eating Disorders in Adults and Adolescents, Assessing and Managing Clients who Self Harm, Evidenced Based theory and Practice of Third Wave and New Generation CBP, Coaching Strategies for Psychological wellbeing
Programme Director for BNSc (General), Programme Director for 4 years (2017-2021) for BNSC undergraduate General Programme Management and administration of this programme., Lecturer and facilitator on MSc/ Pg Dip in Health and Wellness Coaching Programme, Module Leader for Modules entitled: Coaching for Nutrition and Physical Activity, Coaching Strategies for Psychological Well Being. Also act as an Assessor for the Practical Coaching Skills Exams., Module leader and Lecturer on Health Promotion Modules, Designed and lead out on Health and Health Promotion Modules throughout the BNSc Undergraduate Programme for General and Intellectual Disability Nursing Students., Year Leader, Module leader and Lecturer on BNSC Undergraduate Nursing Programme, Module Leader for various modules e.g. Body and Ill health, Research, Transition to Professional Practice etc. Assessor for Clinical Skills. Supervisor for Research Projects at undergraduate and post graduate level., Junior Ward Sister and Team Leader/ Staff Nurse, Junior Ward Sister - St. Mary’s Hospital, London: 11/92 - 09/93. Staff Nurse - West Middlesex Hospital, Middlesex, London 08/91-11/92., Post Registered Mental Health student, Maudsley and Bethlem School of Nursing, London 10/89-07/91., Staff Nurse, Queen Mary’s Hospital (London) - 08/88 - 09/89.