Work History
Soft Skills




An ambitious and confident Computing graduate with a Second Class Honours (2.1) in Software Development (Level 8) seeking to leverage a set of technical skills and relevant experience gained during the completion of my degree. Resourceful candidate skilled in systems engineering and software testing. A team player offering a dynamic personality and a willingness to learn. Looking for a Software Development job position with an engineering firm, keen to pursue a career in the fields of Programming, Software Testing, Database, User Experience (UX), Data Analysis, and/or Web/App Development. Eligible to work full-time.


years of professional experience

Work History


2020.06 - Current
  • Recruited, hired, trained, mentored, coached, evaluated, and terminated staff as necessary.
  • Tracked progress on projects and provided timely feedback to staff members.
  • Conducted weekly meetings with team members to discuss upcoming tasks and new promotions.
  • Maintained positive working relationships with fellow staff and management.
  • Analyzed financial data related to departmental budgeting activities on a regular basis.
  • Resolved customer complaints and adjusted policies to meet changing needs.
  • Directed and supervised a team of 15 employees during each shift in daily operations.
  • Organized special events such as company picnics or holiday parties for employees.
  • Developed marketing plans that helped increase sales revenue by more than 30%.

Software Tester and User Tester (Final Year)

Dundalk Institute of Technology
2022.09 - 2023.05
  • SetStats - our final year project - is a weightlifting tracker which uses AI
  • It analyzes the user's body motions on a Raspberry Pi using computer vision, which helps us to determine how many repetitions(reps) and sets the user has completed
  • It also tells the user about their form, alerting them if they are leaning too much or placing their weight incorrectly
  • For Software Testing, I used programs such as Apache Jmeter for various Performance and Load tests, and Cypress for End-To-End Testing of the website application
  • For User Testing, I used the standard SUS (System Usability Scale) questions and calculated scores based on Google Feedback forms completed by target users during each sprint
  • Used Scrumwise as the project management tool for the Agile team.

Volunteer - CoderDoJo

Dundalk Institute of Technology
2022.10 - 2022.10
  • CoderDoJo is a free coding club for 7 to 17-year-olds which runs in DkIT every year
  • Volunteered as a mentor during the CoderDoJo event held in our college
  • Assisted with customer requests and answered questions to improve satisfaction.
  • Worked successfully with a diverse group of coworkers to accomplish goals and address issues related to the programs.

Erasmus Exchange Program 2022

2022.02 - 2022.07
  • Got introduced to new modules such as Information Systems and Social Media Marketing.
  • Took part in a few group projects and presentations for different modules.
  • Joined the ESN Society in Porto City and went to several Erasmus events which included students from all over Europe and outside the EU.
  • Learned a lot about different cultures and languages.
  • Made connections with fellow students all around the globe.

Database Developer - Third Year Project

Dundalk Institute of Technology
2021.09 - 2022.01
  • Greenhouse Manager - the application’s key usage is to gather data with the help of a Raspberry Pi from within a user’s greenhouse such as temperature, humidity, and soil moisture, keep a record of this data, and let the user know when is the right time to water their plants or to provide ventilation in the greenhouse.
  • Worked as part of project teams to coordinate database development and determine project scopes and limitations.
  • Monitored database performance and provided troubleshooting for any issues or errors encountered.
  • Developed and implemented security initiatives to protect important company data.

BUSIT 2020

AP Hogeschool Antwerpen
2020.05 - 2020.05
  • A 3-day International online Coding Competition held during COVID Pandemic by a Belgian college partner of DkIT.
  • Included computing students from Belgium, Finland, and Ireland.
  • Created a team of 4 people and made a JAVA app called 'Cure4Boredom'
  • The app lets the user guess a random number with different difficulty levels, keeping track of their score.


BSc (Hons) in Computing in Software Development (QQI Level 8) -

Dundalk Institute of Technology

Senior School Certificate -

Brahma Shakti Public School, India

Secondary School Certificate -

Bhai Parmanand Vidya Mandir School, India


  • Programming: Java, C++, SQL, Python, Kotlin, C#, Swift
  • Website Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, AJAX, React, Node.js, Google Maps
  • Databases: MySQL, MongoDB
  • Testing: Cypress (End-To-End Testing), Apache JMeter
  • Systems: Linux, Windows, Mac OS
  • Self-Taught: Adobe Illustrator / Photoshop, CorelDRAW, MS-Office
  • Languages: Fluent in English and Hindi



  • Awarded Best Cashier in KFC UK&Ireland (2022)

DkIT Volleyball Club

  • Captain of the college and national league DkIT Men’s Team (2021 - 2023)
  • Winner of Sports Person of the Year (third year)
  • Nominated for Sports Person of the Year (fourth year)


  • D2 National League 2023-24
  • SSI Volleyball League 2022-23 winner (Second Position)
  • D2 National League 2022-23
  • VAI Junior Men's Cup winner 2020 (First position)
  • Intervarsity Competitions 2020 (Shield winners)

Other Interests

  • Amateur dancer and singer, been a part of theatrical drama plays

Soft Skills


  • Adept speaker, accustomed to delivering presentations in front of audiences as part of regular assessments during my degree.


  • Studying for a technical degree that incorporates systems design, analysis, and programming requires analytical, numerical, and strong problem-solving skills.
  • Designed an interactive website as part of my course. Researched user requirements before developing a prototype to meet their needs.


  • Working as a Supervisor at KFC and being the captain of our college volleyball team has taught me plenty of leadership skills
  • A strong leader can clearly and concisely communicate goals, tasks, and other organizational needs to their team.


  • Learn and adapt to new stuff quickly


Volunteer - CoderDoJo

Dundalk Institute of Technology
2022.10 - 2022.10

Software Tester and User Tester (Final Year)

Dundalk Institute of Technology
2022.09 - 2023.05

Erasmus Exchange Program 2022

2022.02 - 2022.07

Database Developer - Third Year Project

Dundalk Institute of Technology
2021.09 - 2022.01


2020.06 - Current

BUSIT 2020

AP Hogeschool Antwerpen
2020.05 - 2020.05

BSc (Hons) in Computing in Software Development (QQI Level 8) -

Dundalk Institute of Technology

Senior School Certificate -

Brahma Shakti Public School, India

Secondary School Certificate -

Bhai Parmanand Vidya Mandir School, India