I am a hard working and dedicated employee who is willing to learn in any role. Hospitality experience has provided me with professional and friendly customer service skills. I am excellent at working independently or with others to achieve a certain task on time and with excellence. I pride myself on my work ethic and attention to detail which I can assure my reference will attest too.
In this role I acquired a lot of experience being in a management position and leading a team in a busy and unpredictable environment, how to deal with staff issues and conflicts and bring a team together in stressful situations. I gained essential experience in office work being solely responsible for HACCAP in a newly opened food premises.
During my employment at Woodview Service Station I was trained in many different departments ranging from the hot food and outside catering, bakery and also till/shop assistant. I was a key employee who was trusted to move between departments when needed and also provided training for new employees in these departments in this fast paced store.
My key responsibilities in these roles were:
Sharon English - 083 447 8372