Research Experience
Data Science Institute, University of Galway
PhD Researcher June 2019 - present
- I am a part of the Social Semantic group supervised by Prof John G Breslin
- My research focuses on using machine learning and deep learning models in smart manufacturing.
- Developed algorithms that predict the remaining useful life of complex mechanical systems in smart manufacturing.
- Part of Confirm smart manufacturing project with a research focus on Data Analytics: AI, Predictive Modelling, and Decision Analytics.
- Used different tools and techniques to perform robust primary and secondary research.
- Planned research activities to generate valuable findings and comply with the project brief.
- Stayed abreast of new and updated protocols in the research department
- Wrote annual reports to summarise data and implications of results.
Science Foundation Ireland, Confirm Center for Smart Manufacturing
Researcher June 2019 - present
- Strong background in building novel algorithms using TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Scikit-learn.
- Skilled in efficiently enriching big data for ML jobs at a scale of 50+ million records using tools such as Streaming Bulk, psycopg2, concurrent futures, ThreadPoolExecutor, and future queues
- Expertise in live chunk-by-chunk copied data validation, multi-stage exception handling, and retrying.
- Extensive knowledge in ELK index template/pattern/management, stack monitoring, Eland, Elasticsearch DSL
- Proficient in creating Spark jobs that run on Elastic Storage System (ESS) Hadoop Yarn Cluster via Jupyter Notebook, including the creation of executables, conda env & conda-pack, tarball, bootstrapper, and spark-submit command with driver-memory, executor-memory/cores, and num-executor.
- Deploying apps to read/write dynamic configs/files in shared storage using AWS SDK (Boto3), environment variables, and PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC).
- Expertise in data analysis techniques such as exploratory data analysis (EDA), principal component analysis (PCA), pandas-profiling, D-Tale, UMAP, and t-SNE.
- Data processing techniques such as epoch, RegEx, lambda function, nested dictionary, lists, dictionaries lists, geo line strings, key-value pairs, pandas, numpy, polygeohasher, geopandas, and converting features and metadata from Dict to Proto data structure
- ML software profiling and stress testing - setting custom metrics, analysis under the idle mode, normal data flow, worst case scenarios - using cProfile, psutil, VizTracer. Thread-safe monitors - messages sent, elapsed time, throughput rate, etc.
Software Eng. Lab, Chonbuk National University
Research Scientist March 2017 - June 2019
- Developed a semantic segmentation model using Deep learning for an autonomous vehicle.
- Analysed data to spot patterns, trends and outliers and formulated solid conclusions.
- Semantic labelling and instance segmentation using weakly supervised convolutional neural network
- Estimating the mass of the Pig from its 2D image using deep convolutional neural networks.
- Image DenoisingMethod Base don Directional Total Variation Filtering
- Disease Detection in hyperspectral images of apples using Deep convolution Neural Network
- Deep learning-based simple end-to-end architecture capable of extracting contextual information from the images
- Pedestrian recognition and detection using transfer learning
- Korean celebrity face recognition system based YOLO.
Chonbuk National University, South Korea Jeonju
Masters Researcher March 2014 - April 2016
- I was a part of the Media Communication and Signal Processing Lab.
- Modelled a system for Mobile Indoor localization using Kalman Filter and trilateration Technique.
- Proposed an RSSI-based indoor localization model based on Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System.
- Designed a system for the simultaneous detection and segmentation of humans based on the mean Shift Algorithm (MSA).
- Interpreted data to offer potential explanations for trends, patterns and causal links.
- Followed established methodologies and reporting processes in line with the scientific method.