Work History
Computer Languages
Frameworks & Tools
Leadership Experience
Research Experience
Computer Languages
Frameworks & Tools
Hi, I’m

Abdul Wahid

Abdul Wahid


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Data Science Institute (DSI), University of Galway, Galway, Ireland

Doctoral Researcher
2019.06 - Current (5 years & 3 months)

Job overview

  • I am a part of the Social Semantic group supervised by Prof John G Breslin
  • My research focuses on using and developing hybrid machine learning and deep learning models in smart manufacturing.
  • Developed algorithms that predict the remaining useful life of complex mechanical systems in smart manufacturing.
  • Part of Confirm smart manufacturing project with a research focus on Data Analytics: AI, Predictive Modelling, and Decision Analytics.
  • Used different tools and techniques to perform robust primary and secondary research.
  • Planned research activities to generate valuable findings and comply with the project brief.
  • Stayed abreast of new and updated protocols in the research department
  • Wrote annual reports to summarise data and implications of results.

Huawei Research Ireland, CCN, Dublin, Ireland

PhD Research Intern
2022.01 - 2022.08 (7 months)

Job overview


  • I was a part of the cloud core network (CNN) team where my focus was on Digital Twin technology
  • My research focused on modelling digital twin technology for cloud networks.
  • Developing strategies to overcome the limitations of current modelling languages.
  • Developing AI-based code generation engines for modelling DT technology for telecommunication networks.
  • Created thorough research reports on a range of digital twin technologies, assessing suitability for telecommunication networks..

Software Eng. Lab, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea

Research Scientist
2017.03 - 2019.06 (2 years & 3 months)

Job overview

  • Worked on developing a semantic segmentation model using Deep learning for an autonomous vehicle.
  • Analysed data to spot patterns, trends and outliers and formulated solid conclusions.
  • Semantic labelling and instance segmentation using weakly supervised convolutional neural network (CNN)
  • Developed a deep learning model for calculating the mass of the Pig from its 2D image
  • Image Denoising Method Base don Directional Total Variation Filtering
  • Disease Detection in hyper-spectral images of apples using Deep convolution Neural Network
  • Deep learning-based simple end-to-end architecture capable of extracting contextual information from the images
  • Pedestrian recognition and detection using transfer learning
  • We incorporated the implementation of the YOLO network for this project.

Yuncheng University Hedong E St, Shi, Yuncheng, Shanxi, China

Assistant Professor
2016.09 - 2017.03 (6 months)

Job overview

  • Worked closely with professors to support collaborative research for course progression.
  • Supported research projects, aiding academic progression and growth in line with demands.
  • Taught courses like:
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Image ProcessingandComputer Vision
  • Visual basics (VB.NET)

Chonbuk National University South Korea Jeonju, Jeonju, South Korea

Graduate Researcher
2014.03 - 2016.04 (2 years & 1 month)

Job overview

  • Worked in Media Communication and Signal Processing Lab
  • Modelled system for Mobile Indoor localization using Kalman Filter and trilateration Technique.
  • Developed RSSI-based indoor localization model based on Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System.
  • Designed a system for the simultaneous detection and segmentation of humans based on the mean Shift Algorithm (MSA).
  • Interpreted data to offer potential explanations for trends, patterns and causal links.
  • Followed established methodologies and reporting processes in line with the scientific method.

HCL Technologies, New Delhi, India

Assistant Telecom Engineer
2012.06 - 2013.07 (1 year & 1 month)

Job overview

  • Remote server maintenance and real-time service
  • Traffic monitoring for various base stations and voltage control
  • Handshaking protocols and telecommunications control maintenance.


Data Science Institute (DSI), University of Galway Galway, Ireland

Ph.D. from Electronics Engineering

University Overview

  • Received full fellowship from Confirm SFI for Smart Manufacturing.

Chonbuk National University South Korea

Masters from Electronics and Information Engineering
2014.02 - 2016.04 (2 years & 2 months)

University Overview

  • Received full merit CBNU Scholarship.
  • GPA: 4/4

Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University India

B. Tech from Information Technology Engineering
2008.09 - 2012.06 (3 years & 9 months)

University Overview


  • Time-Series Analysis.
  • Computer Vision.
  • Data Visualization & Analytics.
  • Image Processing.
  • Machine learning algorithms.
  • Generative modelling.
  • Data Preprocessing.
  • Algorithm Design.
  • Technical Writing.
  • Findings analysis
  • Grant proposal writing
  • Outstanding communicator
  • Qualitative research
  • Quantitative methodologies


  • SCIE & SPIE Barcelona.
  • IJDSN & EE.
  • PLOS one.


PhD Research Intern
Huawei Research Ireland, CCN
2022.01 - 2022.08 (7 months)
Doctoral Researcher
Data Science Institute (DSI), University of Galway
2019.06 - Current (5 years & 3 months)
Data Science Institute (DSI), University of Galway
Ph.D. from Electronics Engineering
Research Scientist
Software Eng. Lab, Chonbuk National University
2017.03 - 2019.06 (2 years & 3 months)
Assistant Professor
Yuncheng University Hedong E St, Shi
2016.09 - 2017.03 (6 months)
Graduate Researcher
Chonbuk National University South Korea Jeonju
2014.03 - 2016.04 (2 years & 1 month)
Chonbuk National University
Masters from Electronics and Information Engineering
2014.02 - 2016.04 (2 years & 2 months)
Assistant Telecom Engineer
HCL Technologies
2012.06 - 2013.07 (1 year & 1 month)
Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University
B. Tech from Information Technology Engineering
2008.09 - 2012.06 (3 years & 9 months)




A methodical doctoral researcher with years of experience supporting and conducting industry-4.0-based research at the Data Science Institute (DSI), formerly the Insight Centre for Data Analytics, University of Galway, Ireland. My research interests lie at the intersection of machine learning, computer vision, and smart manufacturing. My research focuses on developing hybrid deep-learning models for predicting complex mechanical systems' remaining useful life (RUL). In the past, I worked as an associate researcher in the Software Engineering Lab, Department of Computer Engineering, Chonbuk National University, South Korea. My research has mainly focused on semantic segmentation, person re-identification, and action recognition using deep learning. I am seeking a professional position in the research, academic, and consulting industries utilizing my relevant skills, technical expertise, and problem-solving skills.


  • SCIE & SPIE Barcelona.
  • IJDSN & EE.
  • PLOS One.

Computer Languages

Computer Languages


  • Python.
  • C / C++.
  • Docker.

Frameworks & Tools

Frameworks & Tools
  • TensorFlow.
  • Keras.
  • PyTorch.
  • Linux / Windows.
  • MS Office / Latex (Overleaf) / SQL.


  • Soccer.
  • Billiards.
  • Travelling.
  • Reading.
  • Music.


  • Received a fully-funded PhD Fellowship from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
  • Awarded fully funded scholarship for a research-based Master's study in Engineering by Chonbuk National University, South Korea.
  • Elected as a student representative for postgraduate students at the Data Science Institute (DSI), University of Galway.
  • Invited as speaker for BioTechX health congress in 2022.

Leadership Experience

Leadership Experience

University of Galway

Teaching Fellow Feb 2020 - Sep 2022

  • Reinforced student learning of skills and materials through daily and weekly check-ins, informal assessments, and observations.
  • Monitor students for carrying out experiments and address the problems they face.
  • Created individual homework assignments for students based on their progress in specific sections.
  • Engage in critical reflection on practice as a basis for improving student knowledge.
  • Assisting the professor in marking the assignments and scheduling the exams.
  • Provided timely and frequent feedback to students, fostering an environment of open communication and interest in discovery.

Data Science Institute, University of Galway.

Student Representative May 2022 - present

  • Advocating for the interests and needs of PhD students. Represent the concerns, opinions, and ideas of my fellow PhD students to the faculty, administration, and other relevant parties.
  • Responsible for planning and organizing academic, social, or professional events and activities for PhD students.
  • Offering, guidance, advice and support to other PhD students experiencing academic or personal difficulties.
  • Engaging in meetings and committees where decisions affecting PhD students are made.
  • Effectively communicating, and disseminating important information to PhD students promptly and appropriately.
  • Encourage collaboration among PhD students, both within and across departments, and help to build a sense of community among them.

Software Eng. Lab, Chonbuk National University

Project Lead:

Autonomous Vehicle and Knowledge Extraction from 2D Images, March 2017 - June 2019

  • As project leader defined the scope and goals of the project. This involved understanding the business requirements, identifying the use cases, and defining the performance metrics. The project scope and goals were communicated clearly to the team, stakeholders, and clients.
  • As a project lead, evaluated different algorithms, such as deep learning, reinforcement learning, or decision trees, and selected the ones that best suited the problem at hand.
  • Identified the sources of data, ensured proper and meaningful data collection, and prepared it for training. This involved data cleaning, data transformation, and data augmentation.
  • Select the appropriate model architecture and tuned its hyperparameters to optimize performance. This involved selecting the right loss function, optimizer, and regularization techniques. Also experimented with different model architectures, such as convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, or gradient-boosting machines.
  • As a project lead, designed experiments to validate the performance of the models and compared them against baselines. This involved running simulations, real-world data collection, and conducting A/B testing.
  • As project lead I defined the roles and responsibilities of team members. This involved identifying the skills required for the project, defining the job descriptions, and assigning tasks based on individual strengths and weaknesses.
  • Effectively communicated to ensure that all team members understand the project goals, scope, and timelines. Established regular communication channels, such as weekly team meetings, and ensured that everyone is kept informed of project updates.
  • Built a motivated and cohesive team. Fostered a culture of collaboration and innovation by organizing team-building activities, providing feedback and recognition, and encouraging knowledge sharing.
  • Managed the resources required for the project, such as budget, equipment, and software licenses. And ensuring that the resources are allocated efficiently and that any issues with resource availability are addressed promptly.
  • As a project lead, I identified and solved problems quickly and effectively by working closely with the team to understand the issues and identify potential solutions.
  • As a project lead, I was responsible for managing the performance of team members. This involved setting performance expectations, providing feedback and coaching, and conducting performance reviews. I address any performance issues proactively and provided opportunities for professional development.

Research Experience

Research Experience

Data Science Institute, University of Galway

PhD Researcher June 2019 - present

  • I am a part of the Social Semantic group supervised by Prof John G Breslin
  • My research focuses on using machine learning and deep learning models in smart manufacturing.
  • Developed algorithms that predict the remaining useful life of complex mechanical systems in smart manufacturing.
  • Part of Confirm smart manufacturing project with a research focus on Data Analytics: AI, Predictive Modelling, and Decision Analytics.
  • Used different tools and techniques to perform robust primary and secondary research.
  • Planned research activities to generate valuable findings and comply with the project brief.
  • Stayed abreast of new and updated protocols in the research department
  • Wrote annual reports to summarise data and implications of results.

Science Foundation Ireland, Confirm Center for Smart Manufacturing

Researcher June 2019 - present

  • Strong background in building novel algorithms using TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Scikit-learn.
  • Skilled in efficiently enriching big data for ML jobs at a scale of 50+ million records using tools such as Streaming Bulk, psycopg2, concurrent futures, ThreadPoolExecutor, and future queues
  • Expertise in live chunk-by-chunk copied data validation, multi-stage exception handling, and retrying.
  • Extensive knowledge in ELK index template/pattern/management, stack monitoring, Eland, Elasticsearch DSL
  • Proficient in creating Spark jobs that run on Elastic Storage System (ESS) Hadoop Yarn Cluster via Jupyter Notebook, including the creation of executables, conda env & conda-pack, tarball, bootstrapper, and spark-submit command with driver-memory, executor-memory/cores, and num-executor.
  • Deploying apps to read/write dynamic configs/files in shared storage using AWS SDK (Boto3), environment variables, and PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC).
  • Expertise in data analysis techniques such as exploratory data analysis (EDA), principal component analysis (PCA), pandas-profiling, D-Tale, UMAP, and t-SNE.
  • Data processing techniques such as epoch, RegEx, lambda function, nested dictionary, lists, dictionaries lists, geo line strings, key-value pairs, pandas, numpy, polygeohasher, geopandas, and converting features and metadata from Dict to Proto data structure
  • ML software profiling and stress testing - setting custom metrics, analysis under the idle mode, normal data flow, worst case scenarios - using cProfile, psutil, VizTracer. Thread-safe monitors - messages sent, elapsed time, throughput rate, etc.

Software Eng. Lab, Chonbuk National University

Research Scientist March 2017 - June 2019

  • Developed a semantic segmentation model using Deep learning for an autonomous vehicle.
  • Analysed data to spot patterns, trends and outliers and formulated solid conclusions.
  • Semantic labelling and instance segmentation using weakly supervised convolutional neural network
  • Estimating the mass of the Pig from its 2D image using deep convolutional neural networks.
  • Image DenoisingMethod Base don Directional Total Variation Filtering
  • Disease Detection in hyperspectral images of apples using Deep convolution Neural Network
  • Deep learning-based simple end-to-end architecture capable of extracting contextual information from the images
  • Pedestrian recognition and detection using transfer learning
  • Korean celebrity face recognition system based YOLO.

Chonbuk National University, South Korea Jeonju

Masters Researcher March 2014 - April 2016

  • I was a part of the Media Communication and Signal Processing Lab.
  • Modelled a system for Mobile Indoor localization using Kalman Filter and trilateration Technique.
  • Proposed an RSSI-based indoor localization model based on Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System.
  • Designed a system for the simultaneous detection and segmentation of humans based on the mean Shift Algorithm (MSA).
  • Interpreted data to offer potential explanations for trends, patterns and causal links.
  • Followed established methodologies and reporting processes in line with the scientific method.


  • Adaptive Mobile Localization Method for Indoor Navigation (Journal of Computational &Theoretical Nanoscience’s 2017).
  • Image Denoising Method Based on Directional Total Variation Filtering (IEEE, ICTC 2017).
  • Analogy of Face Recognition Algorithms & their Subsequent Impact (KIEE).
  • Mobile Indoor Localization based on RSSI using Kalman Filter and Trilateration Technique (Proceedings of the SPIE).
  • Detection of Pedestrians in Motion with Rotation and Scale Variation (Scinetifc.net).
  • Semantic labelling and Instance Segmentation Using Weakly Supervised Convolutional Neural Network (IPCV 2018).
  • Caption Generation Model for Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks (KCC 2018).
  • Deconvolution Network based Semantic Segmentation (ISITC 2018).
  • Deconvolutional Pixel layer model for road segmentation without human assistance (AICS 2019).
  • Prediction of Machine Failure in Industry 4.0: A Hybrid CNN-LSTM Framework (Applied Sciences, Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Computing 2022).
  • Self-Attention Transformer-Based Architecture for Remaining Useful Life Estimation of Complex Machines (ISM 2022).
  • Digital Twins: Modelling Languages Comparison (International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Science 2022).



• Soccer.
• Billiards.
• Travelling.
• Reading.
• Music.




  • Adaptive Mobile Localization Method for Indoor Navigation (Journal of Computational &Theoretical Nanoscience’s 2017).
  • Image Denoising Method Based on Directional Total Variation Filtering (IEEE, ICTC 2017).
  • Analogy of Face Recognition Algorithms & their Subsequent Impact (KIEE).
  • Mobile Indoor Localization based on RSSI using Kalman Filter and Trilateration Technique (Proceedings of the SPIE).
  • Detection of Pedestrians in Motion with Rotation and Scale Variation (Scinetifc.net).
  • Semantic labelling and Instance Segmentation Using Weakly Supervised Convolutional Neural Network (IPCV 2018).
  • Caption Generation Model for Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks (KCC 2018).
  • Deconvolution Network based Semantic Segmentation (ISITC 2018).
  • Deconvolutional Pixel layer model for road segmentation without human assistance (AICS 2019).
  • Prediction of Machine Failure in Industry 4.0: A Hybrid CNN-LSTM Framework (Applied Sciences, Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Computing 2022).
  • Self-Attention Transformer-Based Architecture for Remaining Useful Life Estimation of Complex Machines (ISM 2022).
  • Digital Twins: Modelling Languages Comparison (International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Science 2022).

Computer Languages

Computer Languages
  • Python.
  • C/C++.
  • Docker.

Frameworks & Tools

Frameworks & Tools
  • TensorFlow.
  • Keras.
  • PyTorch.
  • Linux/Windows.
  • MS Office/Latex (Overleaf) / SQL.


  • Soccer.
  • Billiards.
  • Travelling.
  • Reading.
  • Music.
Abdul Wahid